quinta-feira, janeiro 23, 2003

Joydrop - Dream Today

Guys in rides with their future brides stopping for a light in a child's line of sight on the hubcap tv set overhead a pan am jet engine level heat waves caught up in this summer daze

In the offices and tower blocks pure flamenco when they walk corridors polished floors spanish palace matadors the sound of the bell rings to the king they must bring the latest report on where the dollar's sitting

Dream today daydream today you are flying high above all that you love knowing it'll be okay today's getting better dream today

Chained waiting short on thanks love is money in the bank watch the little darlings grow scared for them rightly so wish upon a falling star scraped knees pink scars hopes and dreams two for one in the land of legal handguns legal handguns

ny... thanks pelos comments, � bom ver q tem pessoas q se preocupam. quem me surpreendeu de deixar comments agora foi o Iani! cara, vc deve ser do grupo de pessoas que le meu blog sempre e nunca comenta neh? :p ou talvez soh coincidencia de vc ter vindo ler aki nesse momento... whatever, it doesn't matter at all :p mas tipo... sei lah, eu as vezes choro de idiota. nah, que grande mentira. sei lah... vcs jah sentiram algo t�o intenso por alguem que essa pessoa consegue te fazer chorar com a mesma facilidade com que te faz sorrir? poiseh. e a noticia de ontem me animou um monte. a Carol vai viajar sexta e talvez soh volte sabado a noite. soh que a minha folga � sabado. porque eu esqueci completamente que o anivers�rio dela j� era esse domingo, eu me perdi completamente no tempo e pensei que fosse no outro... os meus planos eram de trampar dia 25, ai sair de noite com a Carol e mais alguns amigos meus e uns amigos dela tb... trazer ela pra ca depois pra gente dormir um pouco e depois levar ela em casa e tal. mas agora fudeu tudo. e como eu me sinto agora?

joydrop - beautiful

If i was beautiful like you, oh the things i would do
those not so blessed would be crying out murder
and i'd just laugh and get away with it too like you do

If i was beautiful like you i would never be at fault
i'd walk in the rain between the rain drops
bringing traffic to a hault

But that would never be that would never never be
'cause i'm not beautiful like you i'm beautiful like me

If i was beautiful like you i'd be quick to assume
they'd do anything to please me why not i see their reacton
when you walk into the room

If i was beautiful like you i'd have so many friends
all fighting for my time to be next in line
so if i hurt one i wouldn't have to make amends