sábado, abril 19, 2003

foda-se eu, foda-se voc�, foda-se o mundo.
algu�m sabe de uma velha rica e necessitada q esteja a beira da morte?

[modificado 2 horas depois, as 3h51 am]

"I passed through noise and silence
I walked alone, it's a beautiful day... It's rainy and it's cold.
Reflected on to the wet pavement, can you see what I see?
The trembling image of my eyes... that are still free.

And they say silver, I choose gold. I'm not afraid to be alone.
Someone will judge his gentle soul, let a boy cry and he will know.
And they say silver, I choose gold. I've never done as I've been told.

You're always waiting for somebody and you don't like yourself.
They made you change, do you remember when you were someone else?
Soldiers and dolls won't give away my childhood dreams...
I was a pirate, I conquered... and I sailed free."

acho que essa parte de "Let a Boy Cry", da Gala, fica quase perfeita pra mim (exceto o peda�o "and they say..." q num tem nada a ver :p )
olha soh o porque... eu j� tive meus tempos solit�rios (nisso sem encaixam "I passed through... silence" e "do you remember when you were someone else?") e meus tempos sociaveis ("I passed through noise"). Eu mudei por causa de pessoas ("They made you change"), no caso a Juliana, minha primeira namorada, foi quem me fez deixar de ser "antisocial".
Agora... "can you see what I see? The trembling image of my eyes... that are still free."... me lembra algo que uma velha amiga me disse : "voc� mudou pra caramba, mas teu olhar continua o mesmo"

nyah... eu viajo demais. odeio fim das coisas. preciso de um cigarro... fazer mais uma marquinha nos meus pulsos... outro dia conto esta historia :p