domingo, julho 20, 2003

aderi a moda :p
lembrando pra vcs... naum eh o nome da m�sica, e sim o seu conte�do ;)
e naum venham me encher, algumas situa��es s�o melhores definidas por
duas m�sicas ao inves de uma soh :p

01. are you male or female? Dumb
02. describe yourself: The World Is Not Enough
03. how do some people feel about you? Hammering In My Head
04. how do you feel about yourself? Sex Never Goes Out Of Fashion / Use Me
05. describe your bf/gf: Special / Girl Don't Come
06. where would you rather be? My Lover's Box
07. describe what you want to be: Untouchable
08. describe how you live: I Can't Seem To Make You Mine
09. describe how you love: You Look So Fine
10. share a few words of wisdom: Lick The Pavement